Items where Division is "S1 Akuntansi Syariah" and Year is
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Number of items: 3.
Desky, Harjoni Money Problems In An Ideal And Real Context (Analysis of Al-Ghazali and AlMaqrizi’s Perspective). Pascasarja UIN Salatiga.
Desky, Harjoni and Mukhtasar, Mukhtasar Strengthening the Performance and Role of Islamic Bank Intermediation in Indonesia during the Covid Pandemic 19. Pascasarjana IAIN Salatiga.
Harjoni, Harjoni and Rahmawati, Rahmawati The Price Intervention of Staple Goods in Lhokseumawe City from the Islamic Economics Perspective. SciTePress Digital Library. ISSN 978-989-758-582-1; - 2655-9064