Items where Subject is "2x1.4 Kumpulan Ayat-ayat dan Surat-surat Tertentu dalam Al-Qur'an"
- Dewey Decimal Classification (2)
- 200 Religion/Agama (24)
- 2x0 Agama Islam (24)
- 2x1 Al-Qur'an dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan (1)
- 2x1.4 Kumpulan Ayat-ayat dan Surat-surat Tertentu dalam Al-Qur'an (2)
- 2x1 Al-Qur'an dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan (1)
- 2x0 Agama Islam (24)
- 200 Religion/Agama (24)
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Number of items at this level: 2.
Karya Tulis (Artikel) (2023) Qur'anic Criminology: A Study Of Principles, CriminalizationcMethods, And Declining Variations. 000459161.
Ibrahim, Muhammad Syahrial Razali (2023) The Miracles of the Quran and the Meaning of Jihad in the Digital Age. In: The Miracles of the Quran and the Meaning of Jihad in the Digital Age. Island Publishers Tamilnadu, India, pp. 176-179. ISBN 978 Island Publishers Tamilnadu, India -81-957692-1-6